Ethel Crosby and Mike Skutta
Sitecore recently released its latest major version update, Sitecore Experience Platform (XP) 10, which shows Sitecore’s innovation to adapt to development trends and efficiencies, resulting in successful customer experiences and loyalty. Although most of the new features are heavily developer-focused, there are important benefits when upgrading to this latest version.
Ethel Crosby and Mike Skutta
We’ve put together this glossary of popular terms to help provide clarity and empower our clients and the broader community to better understand and work effectively within the Sitecore ecosystem.
David Guan and Mike Skutta
Sometimes you set up a Sitecore site on a remote shared machine and end up needing to debug the instance on visual studio. Instead of having to set up the site again, simply set up remote debugging on the remote machine instead.
George West, Pete Amundson, and Mike Skutta
It's generally a good idea to include alt text for web images, since it's good for SEO and accessibility. This article shows you how to use Validation Rules and Workflows force Sitecore content editors to fill out the Alt field on Image items, and otherwise prevent them from saving or publishing Image items with an empty Alt field.
Eric Carron and Mike Skutta
There are multiple requirements that need to be met for a Sitecore item to be published. Here are the various things that you can check for if your item is not being published.
Alex Hawley, Kyle Mattimore, and Mike Skutta
You may have the need to switch all shared fields to versioned for multi-lingual support. Here is a script to help out.