George West and Mike Skutta
This article explains how to change your output markup of your Sitecore site according to its configuration.
Alex Pershteyn and Mike Skutta
Here's a script to create friendly field titles in Sitecore. It will convert all field names in Camel Case and Lower Camel Case format. You need to provide guid of the top-level node under Templates and it would recursively go through every template and update field names as needed.
Erik Carron and Mike Skutta
Team Development For Sitecore (TDS) uses item files to represent an item in Sitecore. There is a flaw in the design of these files where line endings are important. Depending on local configuration, git my automatically convert the line endings of these files, which can cause issues.
George West, Kyle Mattimore, and Mike Skutta
Team Development for Sitecore can automatically watch the files in your project and copy them to your Sitecore instance when modifications are made. This setting is disabled by default, but can easily be turned on via Visual Studio Options.
Kyle Mattimore and Mike Skutta
How to limit the number of items selected in a treelist field or create a pseudo-single-select field that restricts what templates can be selected.
Erik Carron and Mike Skutta
When you want to reference Sitecore binaries in your Visual Studio project, use Sitecore's NuGet Feed.